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Greening Whittlesea - City Forest Strategy 2020-2040

In April 2021, Council adopted the Greening Whittlesea – City Forest Strategy which sets out plans for the protection, growth and management of the City’s trees and green cover as part of our commitment to the Whittlesea 2040 community goals of sustainable environment, liveable neighbourhoods and connected communities.

A greener City of Whittlesea will deliver a range of benefits for our residents, our fauna and our wider environment by providing shade, cooling and air cleaning, cleaning and slowing stormwater flows, positively impacting the physical and mental health of our residents and providing habitat and food for our local fauna. 

Developed with input from a range of community, industry, academic and business stakeholders, the strategy aligns with other strategic work being undertaken by Council to reduce risk, increase Council’s resilience and deliver sustainable asset management.

The strategy outlines four key outcomes:

Protected Our city forest is protected from building and subdivision activity.

Managed Our city forest is planned and managed using up to date data and industry best practice.

Enhanced Our city forest grows and thrives year on year.

Engaged Our community and partners value trees and green cover and work together to improve our city forest.

Council is aiming for a 20 per cent increase on the City’s existing green cover by 2040, starting in neighbourhoods that would achieve the biggest impact on heat islands, hot spots and liveability.