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Positive Ageing Strategy 2016-2025

Our Positive Ageing Strategy is aimed at assisting people in understanding the opportunities and actions they can take for ageing well.

Our Positive Ageing Strategy outlines our leadership role in assisting residents to live fulfilled lives regardless of age, health or life stage.

We are in the position to capture research and local experience of ageing and using this to lead and build a response to ageing well.

Our focus

This Positive Ageing Strategy prioritises 8 key focus areas:

  1. Friends, connections and a welcoming community
  2. Active - socially, mentally, physically
  3. Learning and sharing knowledge
  4. Getting around
  5. Informed and having a say
  6. Feeling safe
  7. Housing, employment and financial security
  8. Health and support services when required

Download a copy of the plan