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Epping Central

Epping Central plays a major role in providing services, health, justice and education for the community, as well as retail and commercial opportunities. This includes the Northern Hospital, Pacific Epping Shopping Centre, Melbourne Polytechnic and the Epping Services Hub.

About Epping Central

Epping Central is designated as a Metropolitan Activity Centre as part of the State Government’s Metropolitan Planning Strategy Plan Melbourne 2017–2050. Its role is to provide a diverse range of jobs, activities and housing for the region.

The Epping Central Structure Plan plays a role in guiding future development and ensuring that the Activity Centres can accommodate and respond to the needs of a growing and changing population.

Epping Central Structure Plan 2023

A revised Epping Central Structure Plan was adopted by Council in June 2023. The new plan updates the previous plan, adopted in 2011, and is designed to align with Council's Whittlesea 2040: A Place for All vision.

The Epping Central Structure Plan provides decision-makers with a framework to guide new development and future improvements to services, infrastructure and facilities. 

The Epping Central Structure Plan is based around five core themes: 

  • Urban living 
  • Movement and transport 
  • Employment and investment 
  • Community facilities and services 
  • Public realm, design and natural environment

In considering urban living requirements, the plan provides for increased diversity in all housing types, including affordable housing, to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population. 

It also promotes reducing Epping Central’s reliance on cars by prioritising sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport. 

To stimulate jobs growth, the plan supports the diversification of business opportunities and encourages further investment in hospitality, entertainment, retail and office development. 

The plan also places an emphasis on the provision of high quality and easily accessible health, education, cultural and recreational services. 

Finally, the plan focuses on improving the quality of Epping Central’s public spaces through open space design, wayfinding and pedestrian connectivity. 

Epping Central Structure Plan Review Project

The previous structure plan was adopted by Council in 2011. The review of the Epping Central Structure Plan was completed in four stages, with each stage involving community consultation.

Stage 1 - Background Review

The initial stages of analysis of the Epping Central Structure Plan included background studies into placemaking and urban design, planning and development, economics and employment and the population.

In summary these documents found that the principles of the Structure Plan are sound and the vision for Epping Central as a high density mixed use precinct is appropriate. The background analysis highlighted challenges in achieving this vision such as current housing market demand, access to and amenity of public spaces and facilities, land ownership and development contributions.

Stage 2 - Future Directions Paper

A series of key considerations for the review of the Epping Central Structure Plan have been identified and these form part of the Future Directions Paper.

The Future Directions Paper provides an overall summary of work to date and identifies key directions. 

Some directions are for the whole activity centre, while others are specific to precincts within it.

Stage 3 – Draft Structure Plan

A draft Structure Plan was prepared. The outcomes of the community engagement undertaken for the Future Directions paper informed the preparation of an updated draft structure plan.

The plan sets out the land use and development vision for Epping Central and strategies for achieving this vision. It builds on the work of the previous structure plan for a highly integrated, high-density, mixed-used precinct.

The draft Structure Plan was placed on public exhibition in November/December 2022. Changes to the Structure Plan in response to community feedback were incorporated as appropriate.

The final refreshed Structure Plan was endorsed by Council on 1 June 2023.

Stage 4 - Planning Scheme Amendment

A planning scheme amendment is currently being prepared with a view to give effect to the updated Structure Plan. It is anticipated that the planning scheme amendment for Epping Central will be placed on public exhibition in early 2024.

Existing Epping Central Structure Plan

While we review the Epping Central Structure Plan, the existing Structure Plan remains in place to manage growth and ensure that Epping Central is a vibrant place to live.

The plan sets out the vision for the area including:

  • Diverse and sustainable housing
  • Attracting new business that will provide jobs and entertainment
  • A sustainable transport network
  • New and improved public open spaces
  • Sustainable infrastructure

View the applicable planning controls here.

Epping Central Economic Prospectus

Our Epping Central Economic Prospectus showcases Epping Central and the many benefits of investing, living and working in this area.


For more information 

Contact Strategic Futures on (03) 9217 2170 or via email