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Apply for a planning permit

Use the following checklist to ensure you submit everything that we need to begin assessing your planning application.

New Online Planning Portal

The City of Whittlesea has implemented a new Online Planning Portal where customers can register, apply, request, pay or view planning related services and track and manage these services 24 hours, seven days a week.

Access the new Online Planning portal

The Portal allows you to undertake all of the below services and gives you fall control and access to managing your applications from start to end. As the logged in user you will receive notifications when the status of your application changes, if further action on your application is required or if you need to request amendments to your applications.

You now have the ability to pay for your application via Credit Card and BPay.

If you would like any assistance with navigating the portal, please feel free to contact the Planning Department on 9217 2259.

Apply for a planning permit

We may need extra information depending on the details of your proposal and any site-specific considerations. See how to apply for a planning permit.

You must include the following in your application:

  • A completed planning permit application form - you do not need to complete this form if you apply online
  • All required documents:
    • Full copy of Certificate of Title, searched from the land titles office within the past 3 months, along with copies of any restrictions, covenants or agreements
    • A written submission explaining how your proposal responds to the requirements of the relevant zone, overlays and planning policies
    • Other relevant documents required for your particular type of applications (see below)

Relevant planning permit application fees

Note: planning application fees are exempt from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and are not refundable.

Apply for a faster planning permit

Your planning permit application may qualify for the VicSmart assessment process if it complies with specific criteria. VicSmart is a streamlined and fast-tracked planning permit assessment process for straightforward applications.

To see if your application qualifies, visit the VicSmart website.

Other ways to apply

If you have tried to lodge your application online were experiencing difficulty please reach out to our Planning Team on 9217 2259 or submit an enquiry and one of our friendly team will get back to you and step you though the process.

Other relevant documents

Change of land use

  • A detailed summary of the proposal which provides the following information:
    • total site area and proposed floor area (in m2)
    • existing use of the premises
    • proposed use of the premises
    • hours of operation of the current and proposed use
    • employee numbers of the current and proposed use
    • number and allocation of car parking spaces
  • A copy of a scaled and fully dimensioned site plan (1 at A3 size), showing (as a minimum):
    • boundaries and dimensions of the site
    • the location of existing buildings on adjacent properties
    • the location of existing buildings on the subject site
    • details and location of any on-site car parking spaces and access-ways including the location of external storage areas and loading docks (if applicable) within hard stand areas
    • details of proposed access to the site including vehicle crossovers
  • A copy of scaled and fully dimensioned floor and elevation plans (1 at A3 size), showing (as a minimum):
    • floor plans of any existing buildings or structures, with net floor area calculations, and including nominated setbacks from boundaries and other key site features
    • the proposed use of each room and area within the building
    • natural ground levels and finished floor levels, to Australian Height Datum
    • wall heights and overall building heights for each elevation
    • details of any advertising signage
    • details of any alterations to the colours, finishes or materials on the building façade
  • Written assessment that demonstrates that the provision for on-site car parking complies with Clause 52.06 of Whittlesea Planning Scheme. Where compliance cannot be demonstrated or there is no relevant car parking ratio in Clause 52.06, you should include a report prepared by a qualified traffic engineer that:
    • assesses the anticipated demand for car parking generated by the proposed development/use
    • demonstrates whether or not available car parking on the site or in the surrounding area can cater for the anticipated demand
  • A report and additional plan prepared by an accredited access consultant demonstrating that access to and throughout the building conforms with the objectives of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and complies with the following Australian Standards:
    • AS 1428.1 -2001
    • AS 1428.2 -1992
    • AS 1428.3 -1992
    • AS/NZ 1428.4 -2002

Building and works

  • A copy of a detailed site plan (A3 size) which provides the following information:
    • boundaries and dimensions of the site
    • adjoining roads
    • the layout of existing buildings and any significant vegetation on the site
    • all building boundary setbacks including projections at each level
    • the internal layout of all existing and proposed buildings and/or works
    • the provision of entrances, car parking, loading of vehicles and access to parking spaces and loading bays (fully dimensioned) to relevant Australian Standards
  • A copy of a detailed elevation and section plan (A3 size) which provides the following information:
    • all proposed buildings and/or works on the site (alterations and additions to be highlighted) and the intended use of the components of the building
    • the relationship of elevations to natural ground level showing proposed cut or fill
    • site levels, floor levels of all buildings, and building heights (at highest points)
    • the height and length of walls
    • the dimensions of windows and their height above ground level
    • details of construction materials and external finishes
    • relative levels to Australian Height Datum of the proposed overall building heights, floor to ceiling and finished floor levels to all structures

Advertising signage

  • A detailed description of all components of the proposal including:
    • the number of existing and proposed signs
    • the type of illumination (if any)
    • the proposed hours of luminance for illuminated signs (if applicable)
  • Application requirements as set out in Clause 52.05-2 of the Whittlesea Planning Scheme, including a site context report.
  • A copy of a scaled and fully dimensioned existing conditions plan (A3 size), showing (as a minimum):
    • the location of all existing buildings, structures and advertising signs
    • the location and layout of driveways and car parking areas
    • elevation plans of existing buildings and signs
  • A copy of scaled and fully dimensioned elevation plans (A3 size), showing (as a minimum):
    • the location of the sign/s, including the dimensions and size of the building and/or structure accommodating the sign/s
    • the exact details of the sign/s including wording, colours, logos, dimensions (height and width) and a calculation of the area of the sign/s
    • details of any proposed lighting (if applicable) including if it is externally or internally lit, the level of luminance (brightness measured in lux) and whether it is animated or flashing

Medium density housing

  • A detailed summary of the proposal which provides the following information:
    • total site area (in m²)
    • the number of dwellings and the size of each dwelling (in m²)
    • the total site coverage percentage of the development
    • number and allocation of car parking spaces
    • areas to be covered with solid surfaces including buildings and paved areas (in m²)
    • identify any trees or native vegetation to be removed from the property and those to be retained
    • area of private open space associated with each dwelling and any communal open space
  • A neighbourhood and site description, as described in Clause 55.01 of the Whittlesea Planning Scheme, which should include the use of a site plan, photographs or other techniques
  • A design response as described in Clause 55.01-2 of the Whittlesea Planning Scheme. The design response must include correctly proportioned street elevations or photographs showing the development in the context of adjacent buildings. It must also explain how the proposed design:
    • derives from and responds to the neighbourhood and site description
    • meets the objectives of Clause 55
    • responds to any neighbourhood character features for the area
    • reduces and/or addresses off-site amenity impacts such as overshadowing, overlooking and visual bulk
  • A copy of a scaled and fully dimensioned site plan (A3 size), showing (as a minimum):
    • the location of existing buildings on adjacent properties including:
      • nominated setbacks from the common boundaries to the subject site
      • details of the height and exact length of walls on the common boundary
    • the location of habitable room windows within 9m of the development site
    • the location of existing and proposed buildings on the subject site
    • all trees proposed to be removed and those to be retained
    • the setback of the buildings and works from title boundaries
    • details and location of any car parking structures, areas and access ways including the location of all on-site car parking, detailing line markings for tandem car spaces and turning templates
    • details of the road reservation immediately next to the development site including:
      • vehicle crossovers (existing and proposed)
      • traffic calming devices
      • kerbing
      • footpaths
      • services (i.e. light poles, service pits etc)
      • street trees
      • purpose, location and width of easements
  • A copy of a scaled and fully dimensioned existing conditions plan (A3 size), showing (as a minimum):
    • the location of all existing buildings, structures and vegetation
    • internal building layout for existing buildings and structures
    • the location and layout of driveways and car parking areas
    • contours/site levels
  • A copy of scaled and fully dimensioned floor and elevation plans (A3 size), showing (as a minimum):
    • floor plans of the proposed buildings and structures and any existing buildings to be retained, including nominated setbacks from boundaries and other key site features
    • natural ground levels and finished floor levels, to Australian Height Datum
    • wall heights and overall building heights for each elevation
    • external colours, finishes and materials
  • A copy of a scaled landscape plan (A3 size) for the development
  • A copy of shadow diagrams (at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200) of the proposed buildings and adjacent structures at 9am, 12 noon and 3pm at the September equinox
  • Where there are existing trees on the subject site, or trees on adjoining properties near the proposed buildings, you must submit a report from a qualified arborist. The report should provide the following details:
    • the species, height, girth, canopy width and approximate age of the trees proposed for removal
    • a statement regarding the health, structure and vigour of the trees
    • comments in relation to the future health of the tree
    • a recommendation based on all of the above

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