Bundled branch collection
Residents can have their small branches collected from their nature strip with our free collection service.
To book your free collection call us on 03 9217 2170.
How to use the branch collection service
Prepare your branches for collection
Your bundled branches should be:
- tied together with string
- less than 1.8 metres (6 feet) long
- no more than 30 centimetres (1 foot) wide.

What to do with yuccas
Yucca branches do not need to be bundled but they do need to be placed neatly on the nature strip with the stems facing the road and the leaves the same way up.
Up to 15 pieces of yucca or up to 15 kilos per yucca branch or trunk will be collected per booking.
The minimum length per branch is 50 cm and a maximum length per branch is 2 m.
Alternatively, large quantities of yucca can be taken to the Green Waste Recycling Facility located at 480 Cooper Street, Epping using your waste and recycling vouchers.
What we won't collect
We won't collect:
- garden waste in plastic bags
- bundles tied with wire or plastic
- roots, rocks and soil
- ivy or blackberries
- tree stumps.

Book your collection
Call us on 03 9217 2170 to book your free collection.
Putting your branches out for collection
Place your bundled branches on your nature strip the night before your collection.

Bundled branch collection FAQ
Who is eligible for bundled branch collection?
This service is available to City of Whittlesea residents, including renters. It's not available to businesses.
Why recycle your branches?
We transform your bundled branches into mulch for preschools, schools and community groups.
Help us supply them with quality mulch by sticking to the collection guidelines.