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Whittlesea Reconciliation Group

The Whittlesea Reconciliation Group (WRG) is a community-based committee that meets regularly to discuss issues, opportunities, initiatives and programs that impact Aboriginal people living in the City of Whittlesea.

The WRG is guided by their Vision and purpose;

The vision of the WRG is a connected community respecting Aboriginal people as the first peoples of Australia, their history and culture through actions supporting reconciliation.

The purpose of the WRG is to operate as a key reference group to Council and create opportunities to increase understanding of Aboriginal people and Aboriginal culture by bringing all people together to support reconciliation.


The group comprises of 20 members and three supporting Council Officers:

  • 10 Aboriginal members (voting)
  • Eight non-Aboriginal members (voting)
  • The Mayor of the day and one City of Whittlesea Councillor (voting)
  • Three Council Officers (supporting non-voting ex-officio members)