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River Red Gum Tree Protection Policy

We developed the River Red Gum Protection Policy to ensure River Red Gum trees are protected and properly assessed in all plans for future development.

River Red Gum trees are an important part of our local landscape, and have significant heritage and environmental values.

Many of these trees are estimated at being between 200 to 500 years old and provide shelter and food for a range of native animals.

Our River Red Gum Protection Policy forms part of the Whittlesea Planning Scheme - Local Planning Policy Framework.

Refer to Clause 12.01-1L of the Whittlesea Planning Scheme.


If you need more information about the policy, phone our Planning Services department on 9217 2326.

If you have River Red Gums on your rural property and want advice on how to care for these trees, phone our Land Management Officer on 9217 2323.