Depending on your plans, you may need a permit to build a front, side, back or corner fence on your property. You might also need to discuss the plans with your neighbours, or manage fencing disputes.
All fences must meet the Building Regulations 2006 and any covenants on the Property Title, regardless of whether a building permit is required.
If you want to attach screening to your side or back fence, it must meet the height limits specified in the Building Regulations and you may need a building permit.
You may also need your neighbour’s permission in accordance with the Fences Act. This is because fences are jointly owned by neighbours.
Side and back fences between adjoining properties can be up to 2m high. This does not apply if your Property Title includes a covenant that controls side boundary fencing heights.
You will need a building permit for any fence higher than these limits. You also need to meet certain Building Regulation height and length limits for fences higher than 2m. If your fence exceeds these regulation limits, you will need to apply for siting consent.
If you're a property owner, you and your neighbour have equal responsibility for the dividing fence on your land. The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria has a lot of helpful information about the state’s fencing laws.
We can help in fence matters by providing the name and mailing address of your neighbouring property owners in writing. Please allow up to five business days to process this application.
Request contact details of your neighbouring property owners
If you're an agent or contractor and are applying for this information on behalf of the owner, you must attach the owner's consent.
The information we provide can only be used for fencing matters stated on the application form. We can't provide other personal information about the neighbour.
We provide these details in accordance with the Privacy and Data Collection Act 2014.
To enquire about the progress of an application, call our Rates Department on 03 9217 2170.
Disputes relating to fences between neighbours are a civil matter and should be handled by the neighbours themselves. We have no power to act in disputes regarding fencing.
If you have a dispute with your neighbour about the dividing fence, contact the Dispute Settlement Centre on 1300 372 888 for assistance.
Front fence heights are controlled either by the Building Regulations 2006 or with a covenant on Title.
Check when you need a building permit for a front fence.
Corner properties have additional requirements for front and side fencing.
As shown in the diagram, fences can only be constructed up to:
- 1m high within 9m of the point of intersection
- 1.5m on the front boundary
- 2m on the side boundary.

Where a covenant on Title exists on corner fencing, this covenant may override the above requirements.
If your property borders Council-owned land, contact us on 03 9217 2170 for fencing advice.