Pet registration, renewal and updates

We're here to help your furry friends stay safe and sound.

Registering your dog or cat not only helps keep them safe, it also helps us to reunite you quickly if they ever get lost.

All cats and dogs over the age of three months old must be registered. 

Renew your pet's registration

We'll send you a reminder each year when it's time to renew your pet's registration.

Remember, the fee is due by 9 April each year.

Renew your cat registration online

Renew your dog registration online

Didn't receive your Registration Renewal Notice?

Just email us at or call us on 03 9217 2170 for help.

Registration fees

A range of registration fees apply depending on various factors like:

  • the breed of your pet
  • if it's desexed
  • if you're eligible for reduced fees
  • if you hold a pension card.

If you're registering your pet for the first time, we charge a pro-rata rate according to the time of year when you register. Registrations made on or after 10 October are charged a half price fee. These registrations are valid for the current registration year. 

Dog registration fees

Effective 10 October 2024

Fee type Normal rate Pensioner




Restricted breed





Guard/protective Services



Standard fee (not desexed)*



Reduced fee (see below)*



Cat registration fees

Fee type Normal rate Pensioner

Standard fee (not desexed)*

All cats must be desexed (unless exempt)

All cats must be desexed (unless exempt)

Reduced fee (see below)*




  • All dog and cat registration fees include the State Government Levy of $4.39.
  • A 50% discount is offered from 10 October each year on all registration fees marked with *. 

Reduced fee information


Proof of desexing is required to receive the reduced rate. Please contact your Vet to assist with providing this proof. All cats must be desexed prior to applying for registration (unless an exemption applies).

Reduced fee categories

You may be eligible for a reduced fee if your animal fits into any of the following categories (proof must be provided): 

  • De-sexed dogs/cats (Cats MUST be desexed unless exempt)
  • Dogs/cats over 10 years of age
  • Dogs that have undergone obedience training which complies with regulations
  • Dogs kept for working stock (proof of Primary production must be supplied)
  • Dogs registered with Dogs Victoria (previously known as Victorian Canine Association) or MDBA (Master Dog Breeders Association)
  • Cats registered with Feline Control Council, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, the Waratah National Cat Alliance or the Cat Authority of Victoria.

Note: No fees payable for Guide dogs, Customs dogs, or Greyhounds registered with GRV.

Pensioner concession

To receive discounted pension registration fees you must be the holder of any of the listed cards below:

  • Department of Veterans Affairs’ Repatriation Health
  • Card specifying a War Widow or TPI
  • Department of Veterans Affairs’ Pensioner Concession card
  • Centrelink Pension Concession Card

Note: Centrelink Health Care Cards are NOT accepted.

Microchipping and identification

By law, all pet's need to be microchipped before registration. 

This quick, simple step can help reunite you with your pet if they ever get lost.

When you register, your pet will get a numbered identification tag, which they should wear at all times.

If your pet is caught without their tag, you might have to pay a fine or deal with legal proceedings.

Lost a tag?

 Call us on 03 9217 2170 to get a new one (fees may apply).

Update your pet's registration details

Need to change some details on your pet's registration? Just fill out the form below, it's quick and simple.

Update your animal registration details

If you've moved outside of the City of Whittlesea, please us know so we can update your details.

Change of animal owner within the City of Whittlesea

If you're taking over a registered pet in the City of Whittlesea, please download and complete our change of ownership form. 

This saves you from having to register the pet again. 

Change of pet ownership form

Notify us of a deceased pet

If your cat or dog has sadly passed away, you must notify us so we can update the registration details.

Please complete the online form below.

Update your animal registration details

Animal Refunds

A refund is given where the pet has passed away, been surrendered to the wat djerring Animal Facility, or the pet has departed interstate. The amount to be refunded varies, based on date.

If your cat or dog passed away, was surrendered or departed from:

  • 10 April – 30 June:  Full refund available
  • 1 July – 10 October: Half refund available
  • 11 October – 9 April: No refund available

Just moved to City of Whittlesea

New to the City of Whittlesea? Welcome.

Registering your pet here is easy. Please download and complete the animal registration form.

Application for new registration of dogs/cats(PDF, 347KB)

Application for new registration of dogs/cats (Accessible version)(DOCX, 341KB)

If they're registered with another Council in Victoria, provide proof of the receipt with your application and we'll transfer it for free. 

Remember, all dogs must be microchipped before you submit your form.

Submit your application form

Once you've completed the form, you can either email it to us at, or post it to:

Animal Management
City of Whittlesea
Locked Bag 1
Bundoora MDC VIC 3083

Register your guide or government authority dog

All guide dogs and government authority dogs can be registered for free. All you need is the relevant supporting documentation.

You can apply by completing the animal registration form

Once your application has been processed, you will receive your pet's new tag and confirmation of registration in the post a few days later. 

Dangerous and menacing dogs and restricted breeds

The following restricted breeds must be declared:

  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Perro De Presa.

If you don't advise us that you own a dangerous dog (declared or guard dog) and/or a menacing dog at time of registration, you will be liable for penalties and/or court action. 

For more information, visit our dangerous animals and restricted breeds page.


Register your pet for the first time

Here's what you need to do when you register a pet for the first time. If you're renewing a registration, see the button above.


Step 1.Get ready to register

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, all new pets more than 3 months of age must be microchipped and registered.

Starting a new registration? Make sure you’re ready to register by checking:

  • you’re 18 or older
  • you have proof or microchipping, and, if applicable, desexing and age for fee reductions.

If you have more than one pet, you will need to fill out a form for each one.

Step 2.Prepare and submit your application

Before you submit the form and pay, double-check that all your details and documents are correct. Please note that once you’ve submitted the form, we cannot offer refunds.

It’s important to provide accurate information. Submitting false details can lead to your pet’s registration being cancelled and may result in penalties or legal action.

Register your cat online

Register your dog online

Step 3.Receiving your identification tag

Once you submit online, your application will be processed by our team. It’s fast and secure, and you’ll receive your pet’s new tag in the mail within a few weeks. 


Step 1.Get ready to register

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, all new pets more than 3 months of age must be microchipped and registered.

Starting a new registration? Make sure you’re ready to register by checking:

  • you’re 18 or older
  • you have proof or microchipping, and, if applicable, desexing and age for fee reductions.

If you have more than one pet, you will need to fill out a form for each one.

Step 2.Prepare and submit your application

Download and complete the animal registration form.

Before you submit the form and pay, double-check that all your details and documents are correct. Please note that once you’ve submitted the form, we cannot offer refunds.

It’s important to provide accurate information. Submitting false details can lead to your pet’s registration being cancelled and may result in penalties or legal action.

Download animal registration form(PDF, 347KB)

Download animal registration form (accessible version)(DOCX, 341KB)

Step 3.Email the form to us

Once you've completed and checked the form, email it to us at

Step 4.Receiving your identification tag

Once you have emailed the form, your application will be processed by our team. It’s fast and secure, and you’ll receive your pet’s new tag in the mail within a few weeks.  


Step 1.Get ready to register

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, all new pets more than 3 months of age must be microchipped and registered.

Starting a new registration? Make sure you’re ready to register by checking:

  • you’re 18 or older
  • you have proof or microchipping, and, if applicable, desexing and age for fee reductions.

If you have more than one pet, you will need to fill out a form for each one.

Step 2.Prepare and submit your application

You can collect a pet registration form from our Council Office at 25 Ferris Boulevard in South Morang during opening hours.

Or you can download and print a form using the button below, then bring it in to our offices during opening hours.

We're happy to guide you through the application process if you need help. 

You'll need to double-check that all your details and documents are correct. Please note that once you’ve submitted the form, we cannot offer refunds. 

It’s important to provide accurate information. Submitting false details can lead to your pet’s registration being cancelled and may result in penalties or legal action. 

Download animal registration form(PDF, 347KB)

Download animal registration form (accessible version)(DOCX, 341KB)

When you've completed your form, please post it to:

Animal Management

City of Whittlesea

Locked Bag 1

Bundoora MDC VIC 3083

Step 3.Receiving your identification tag

Once you submit your application form and payment, your application will be processed by our team. It’s fast and secure, and you’ll receive your pet’s new tag in the mail within a few weeks. 

In person

Step 1.Get ready to register

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, all new pets more than 3 months of age must be microchipped and registered.

Starting a new registration? Make sure you’re ready to register by checking:

  • you’re 18 or older
  • you have proof or microchipping, and, if applicable, desexing and age for fee reductions.

If you have more than one pet, you will need to fill out a form for each one.

Step 2.Prepare and submit your application

You can collect a pet registration form from our Council Office at 25 Ferris Boulevard in South Morang during opening hours.

Download animal registration form(PDF, 347KB)

Download animal registration form (accessible version)(DOCX, 341KB)

We're happy to guide you through the application process if you need help. 

You'll need to double-check that all your details and documents are correct. Please note that once you’ve submitted the form, we cannot offer refunds. 

It’s important to provide accurate information. Submitting false details can lead to your pet’s registration being cancelled and may result in penalties or legal action. 

Step 3.Receiving your identification tag

Once you submit your application form and payment, your application will be processed by our team. It’s fast and secure, and you’ll receive your pet’s new tag in the mail within a few weeks.  

Update central animal records

Once your pet is registered, it's a good idea to update their details with Central Animal Records, an accredited microchip registry. This helps in case your pet ever goes missing.

For any changes to your address or contact details, update your pet's microchip as soon as possible. 

You can check the current registry for your pet's microchip at

You can search various animal databases and will be guided on how to update the details.

Keeping your pet's details updated is the best way to make sure they can be returned to you safely.

Excess animal permits

You need a permits to house more than 2 dogs or 2 cats on residential premises.

Apply for an excess animal permit

Pay or appeal a fine