Exercise for older adults - Thomastown This program is for seniors interested in gentle exercise, strength training and balancing movements to music.
LEAP Seniors' Golf program for over 50s The LEAP Seniors' Golf Program offers a fun and social way to learn and improve your golf game, get some fresh air, make new friends and be active.
Dementia Friendly Group The Dementia and Memory program assists those experiencing dementia, early signs of dementia and memory loss with a chance to connect socially and to stay active and engaged in the community.
Social Exercise and Walking Football This program is for people interested in gentle exercise, fun games, mini walking football matches and social competitions. No prior experience required.
Seniors Tennis Come along to this free Tennis event to celebrate seniors of the City of Whittlesea as part of the Seniors Festival 2024.
Seniors Silver Rainbows Join us at the City of Whittlesea’s first Silver Rainbows Café, a welcoming space for the LGBTIQA+ older community. This event is part of the Seniors Festival 2024.
Seniors Morning Melodies Join us for a fun filled morning with music and dance by the amazing piano accordionist Phil Carroll. This event is part of the Seniors Festival 2024.
Seniors Exercise Park - Come and Try session Explore our Seniors Exercise Park! Start with an introduction to the park, followed by a community walk. This event is part of the Seniors Festival.
Seniors Carpet Bowls Come along to this Carpet Bowls events to connect with people of your age group. This event is part of the Seniors Festival 2024.
Seniors Ten Pin Bowling Test your tenpin bowling skills and meet new friends at Social Seniors Tenpin Bowling. All experience levels are welcome. This event is part of the Seniors Festival 2024.
Know your city bus tour - November Our bus tours are designed to provide people aged over 50 with an opportunity to explore the offerings available within the City of Whittlesea. This is event is part of the Seniors Festival 2024.
Know your city bus tour Our bus tours are designed to provide people aged over 50 with an opportunity to explore the offerings available within the City of Whittlesea.
Seniors Social Golf Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or new to the sport, join in for a memorable day on the green. This event is part of the Seniors Festival 2024.
Exercise for older adults - Mernda This program is for seniors interested in gentle exercise, strength training and balancing movements to music.
Exercise for older adults - Whittlesea This program is for seniors interested in gentle exercise, strength training and balancing movements to music.
Planning Ahead – Money, Ageing and Family information session Information session in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness day (WEAAD) - presented by Senior Rights Victoria.