As part of its Green Wedge and Agricultural Land review the Victorian Government released a consultation paper aimed at strengthening the protection of green wedges and agricultural land.
In February 2021, we endorsed a formal submission to the review.
Read our green wedge submission to state government(PDF, 472KB)
Whittlesea is a growing city with expanding residential areas. But more than half of the land remains rural. The land beyond the urban growth boundary is called the Whittlesea Green Wedge.
The green wedge is an active, living area that supports:
- farming activities
- scenic rural landscapes
- national, state and local parks
- heritage places
- recreation and tourism activities
- plant and animal habitats
- rivers, creeks and water catchments
- settlements and rural living.
We developed the Whittlesea Green Wedge Management Plan in partnership with the community, local businesses, government departments and other agencies. The Plan was adopted by Council on 19 July 2001.
The management plan provides a clear purpose and a 10-year action plan for the green wedge area. Success relies on Council, state government, agencies, community groups and residents working together.
While the plan promotes and encourages a balance of land uses, it does not change existing green wedge zones to urban zones or recommend changes to the urban growth boundary.

Our current Green Wedge Management Plan ended in 2021. Council is now reviewing the document. We aim to develop a new plan to guide the future direction of the Whittlesea Green Wedge.
Translations of the Green Wedge Management Plan are available upon request.
There were 84 actions set out in the Whittlesea Green Wedge Management Plan 2011–2021, and every one of them has now commenced.
Of these actions, 49 are completed, five are still underway and 30 are ongoing changes to the way we work. This includes:
- connecting with the local Aboriginal community
- networking with our rural communities
- providing business support to help keep farmers on the land
- partnering with community groups to better care for our waterways and environment.
Initiatives championed under the Green Wedge Management Plan
Whittlesea Community Farm and Food Collective
A pilot program demonstrating innovative sustainable farming practices, increasing food security and providing an opportunity for residents to learn about local, sustainable food production.
Wayfinding and interpretive signage
This will apply to all of Council’s 60 conservation reserves to promote the value and significance of ecosystems on Council-owned land.
Support for farming
This includes agribusiness and the ‘right to farm’, through a submission to the State Government’s Planning for Melbourne's Green Wedges and Agricultural Land review project.
South Morang Farmers and Makers Market
Held on the third Saturday of each month, the market provides an opportunity for local producers to connect with the community and sell their produce locally.
Support for tourism in Whittlesea township
Through campaigns such as Dinner on Us, Shop Local, Choose Your Own Adventure, Christmas on Church and Winter Weekends, as well as support for the Whittlesea Agricultural Show and Table of Plenty events.
Strengthened partnerships with Traditional Custodians
To contribute to a greater awareness, understanding and appreciation of the relationship between cultural heritage, Traditional Custodian knowledge and Aboriginal community health and wellbeing.
Advocacy for the proposed Melbourne Food and Innovation Export Hub (MFIX)
This initiative would support the use of agricultural land in the municipality and provide a meaningful contribution to Victoria’s economic growth.
Partnerships with community groups
Partnershipson waterway health, land care and rural education to support our community’s own initiatives or new initiatives as a result of the Green Wedge Management Plan implementation.
We invite you to help us plan better for the ongoing sustainability and prosperity of our green wedge areas by participating in the Green Wedge Management Plan review.
Download the Council Report from 21 February 2022 on the Green Wedge Management Plan 2011 - 2021 Reporting(PDF, 1MB)
Translations are available upon request.
The Whittlesea Green Wedge Management Plan is developed by Council in partnership with the community, local businesses, government departments and other.
Council recognises the great work by various community groups who are also playing a role in helping to take care of our green wedge areas. These are our Green Wedge Community Champions.
Watch the video to find out about one of our Green Wedge Community Champions, the Darebin Creek Management Committee.
Read about our plans for Whittlesea's Green Wedge.
Download the entire Green Wedge Management Plan 2023–2033(PDF, 13MB)
Download the Green Wedge Management Plan 2011–2021
Executive summary and background
Action plan appendices and references
Green Wedge Management Plan five year review
Green Wedge Management Plan report to Council
Contact Planning Services on 03 9217 2170 to find out:
- how you can use and develop your green wedge property
- what requires a planning permit
- what is prohibited.
The plan is also available to read at local libraries and our Civic Centre offices.
Translations of the draft Green Wedge Management Plan are available upon request.