
About kindergarten

Kindergarten (also called preschool) is an educational program for children delivered by qualified early childhood teachers. It's delivered in the two years before children start school.

Some kindergartens run as a stand-alone service. Others are run through childcare centres or are co-located on school sites.

Three and four-year-old kindergarten is subsidised by the Victorian State Government. This means it is free for all children to attend.

Benefits of kindergarten

Research shows that kindergarten:

  • improves children’s health and wellbeing
  • helps children to develop strong social skills
  • encourages a love of learning.

Children who attend a kindergarten program are more independent and confident and more likely to make a smooth transition to primary school.

Kindergarten for every child

If your child has disability or learning difficulties, the educators will talk with you about how the kindergarten program and environment can support your child.

Apply for kindergarten

  • Applications for all kindergartens open on 1 February each year, one year before three-year-old program attendance and two years before four-year-old kindergarten attendance.
  • Apply by 30 June in the year before your child attends kindergarten to be considered in the first round offers. Any applications received after this date will be accepted and processed later in the year. 

Find information on how to apply for kindergarten

Kindergarten timetables

For information on the session times and schedules for your local kindergarten, please see the kindergarten timetables page below.

Kindergarten timetables

Free kindergarten for all children

The Victorian State Government announced that from 2023 kindergarten will be free for all three and four year old children. From 1 February 2024 it is free to apply for kindergarten at City of Whittlesea kindergartens, subject to change.

We're working with kindergarten providers to cater for your family’s needs and manage capacity across our centres. This means three-year-old kindergarten hours will vary at different kindergartens, providing families with between five and 15 hours each week.

Early Start Kindergarten

Early Start Kindergarten gives eligible children 15 hours of free or low-cost kindergarten a week for two years before starting school.

To be eligible, your child must be have turned three by 30 April in the year they start kindergarten. In addition:

For more information on Early Start Kindergarten, visit the Victorian Government website.

Kindergarten management 

Our kindergartens are managed by one of the following:

  • Volunteer parent committees
  • Schools
  • Professional early childhood organisations.

Management bodies are registered with the Department of Education and monitored regularly to ensure quality and standards are maintained and funding conditions are met.

Our role is to:

  • maintain Council facilities in which kindergarten programs are run
  • manage a central application system for kindergartens in Council facilities
  • support early childhood educators with professional development and service planning.

For more information on the management of local kindergartens, view our Kindergarten Central Application Scheme Policy and Procedures.(PDF, 344KB)

When to start attending

Three-year-old kindergarten

Your child must turn three by 30 April in the year of starting three-year-old kinder.

If your child was born between January and April, you can choose which year your child starts three-year-old kindergarten.

These children can start in the same year they turn three, or in the year they turn four.

Due to staff requirements, some services may ask that children start attending kindergarten after their third birthday. This can mean that some children may not start until part-way into term one and have less time overall as part of a three-year-old kindergarten program, compared with their peers.

If this is the case for your child and you accept a place, kindergartens will hold your child’s place until they are old enough to attend.

Kindergarten services will talk with you directly about how they can support your child to join their program once they turn three.

When your child starts kindergarten relates to the age they will start primary school. When enrolling at three-year-old kindergarten, we encourage you to plan ahead and consider the age you would like your child to be when they start school.

Four-year-old kindergarten

Your child must turn four by 30 April in the year they will begin four-year-old kinder.

Some children are eligible for a second year of funded kindergarten. This second year is only available at four-year-old kindergarten and is approved by your child’s kindergarten teacher.

If your child was born between January and April you can choose which year to enrol your child. This can be either the year they become eligible, or the year after. 

   Three-year-old kindergarten  Four-year-old kindergarten 
Date of birth range  Year of attendance   Year of attendance  Applications open 
1 May 2020 – 30 April 2021   N/A  2025  Now
1 May 2021 – 30 April 2022   2025  2026  Now
1 May 2022 – 30 April 2023  2026  2027  1 February 2025
1 May 2023 – 30 April 2024  2027  2028  1 February 2026

Important dates

  • Applications for all kindergartens open on 1 February each year. This is one year before three-year-old kindergarten attendance and two years before four-year-old kindergarten attendance.
  • Apply by 30 June in the year before your child attends kindergarten to be considered in the first round offers. Any applications received after this date will be accepted and processed later in the year.
  • Kindergarten placement offers are made via email or mail starting in the months of July and August in the year before your child is due to attend.

Apply for kindergarten

Choosing a kindergarten

We manage the central application process for sessional kindergarten programs in the City of Whittlesea. This includes three and four-year-old programs at 44 kindergartens across the Council area.

Kindergartens by suburb 

View details on kindergartens by suburb below.

Alternatively, you can see the location of local kindergartens via our interactive map or visit the Find A Kinder website and enter your location.


Edward Street Preschool
1a Edward Street
Visit the Edward Street Preschool website for more information.

McLeans Road Kindergarten
151 McLeans Road
Visit the Kids First Australia website for more information.


Eucalyptus Parade Kindergarten
38 Eucalyptus Parade
Visit the Whittlesea YMCA website for more information.

Murnong Kindergarten
181 Olivine Boulevard
Visit the Murnong Kindergarten website for more information.


Butterflies Childcare and Early Learning Centre
2-4 Orchard Road
Visit the Butterflies Childcare and Early Learning Centre website for more information.

Butterflies Childcare and Early Learning Centre
20 Mulwala Drive
Visit the Butterflies Childcare and Early Learning Centre website for more information.

Hazel Glen Kindergarten
65 Eminence Boulevard
Visit the Hazel Glen Kindergarten website for more information.

Laurimar Kindergarten
110 Hazel Glen Drive
Visit the Laurimar Kindergarten website for more information.

Orchard Road Community and Early Learning Centre
121 Orchard Road
Visit the Orchard Road Community and Early Learning Centre website for more information.


Derby Meadows Preschool
17 Winchester Avenue
Visit the Derby Meadows Preschool website for more information. 

Epping North Preschool
378 Findon Road
Visit the Epping North Preschool website for more information.

Epping North YMCA Early Learning Centre
355 Harvest Home Road
Visit the Epping North YMCA Early Learning Centre website for more information.

Epping Preschool
849 High Street
Visit the Epping Preschool website for more information.

Epping Views Kindergarten
15 Lyndarum Drive
Visit the Epping Views Kindergarten website for more information.

Galada Kindergarten
10A Forum Way
Visit the Whittlesea YMCA website for more information.

Greenbrook Kindergarten
31 Lowalde Drive
Visit the Greenbrook Kindergarten website for more information.

Meadowglen Primary School Kindergarten
3 Pommel Crescent
Visit the Meadowglen Kindergarten website for more information.

Oakbrook Kindergarten
36 Holroyd Drive
Visit the Oakbrook Kindergarten website for more information.


Jacaranda Preschool - Kingsway Drive
90 Kingsway Drive
Visit the Jacaranda Preschool website for more information.

Jacaranda Preschool - Nebel Street
34 Nebel Street
Visit the Jacaranda Preschool - Nebel Street website for more information.

Lalor Primary School Kindergarten
28 Maxwell Street
Visit the Lalor Primary School Kindergarten website for more information.

Lalor East Preschool
186 Darebin Drive
Visit the Lalor East Preschool website for more information.

Vasey Park Preschool
15 Vasey Avenue
Visit the Vasey Park Preschool website for more information.


Jindi Kindergarten and extended care
48 Breadalbane Avenue
Visit the Jindi Kindergarten website for more information.

Mernda South Kindergarten
2 Goulburn Street
Visit the Mernda South Kindergarten website for more information.

Mernda Village Kindergarten
70 Mernda Village Drive
Visit the Mernda Village Kindergarten website for more information.

Mill Park

Blossom Park Kindergarten
59 Azalea Avenue
Visit the Blossom Park Kindergarten website for more information.

Centenary Drive Kindergarten
68 Centenary Drive
Visit the Centenary Drive Kindergarten website for more information.

Collard Family Kindergarten
3 Development Boulevard
Visit the Collard Family Kindergarten website for more information.

Happy Faces Child Care Centre
136-140 Centenary Drive 
Visit the Happy Faces Child Care Centre website for more information.

Kool Kidz Mill Park
49 Oleander Drive
Visit the Kool Kidz website for more information.

Mill Park Preschool
Rear 7 Mill Park Drive
Visit the Mill Park Preschool website for more information.

Roycroft Kindergarten
114 Roycroft Avenue
Visit the Roycroft Kindergarten website for more information.

Stables Kindergarten
284 Childs Road
Visit the Stables Kindergarten website for more information.

The Heights Kindergarten
31 Morang Drive
Visit the The Heights Kindergarten for more information.

South Morang

Mill Park Lakes Preschool
280 Gordons Road
Visit the Mill Park Lakes Preschool website for more information.

South Morang Preschool - Reid Street
75 Reid Street
Visit the South Morang Preschool Reid Street website for more information.

South Morang Preschool - Riverside
8 Doreen Rogen Way
Visit the South Morang Riverside Preschool website for more information.


Barry Road Preschool
32 Barry Road
Visit the Barry Road Preschool website for more information.

Dalton Road Preschool
145A Dalton Road
Visit the Dalton Road Preschool Kindergarten website for more information.

Harbard Street Kindergarten
1 Gladstone Street
Visit the Harbard Street Kindergarten website for more information.

Spring Street Kindergarten
16 Spring Street
Visit the Spring Street Kindergarten website for more information.

Thomastown West Kindergarten
127 Edgars Road
Visit the Thomastown West Kindergarten website for more information.


Sparkways Whittlesea Children’s Centre - Laurel St Preschool
57 Laurel Street
Visit the Laurel Street Preschool website for more information.

Whittlesea Preschool Inc
92 Church Street
Visit the Whittlesea Preschool website for more information.


Barrawang Primary School Kindergarten
1 Islington Street
Visit the Barrawang Primary School Kindergarten website for further information.

Ganbu Gulinj Kindergarten
55 Macedon Parade
Visit the Ganbu Gulinj Kindergarten website for further information.

Kirrip Kindergarten
135 De Rossi Boulevard
Visit the Kirrip Kindergarten website for further information.

Korin Korin Kindergarten
20 Champions Parade
Visit the Korin Korin Kindergarten website for further information.

Wirrigirri Primary School Kindergarten (opening in 2026)
120 Saltlake Boulevard
Visit Wirrigirri Primary School Kindergarten (interim name) website for further information.

Open days

Kindergartens host information events each year. This gives you the chance to speak with kindergarten teachers and learn about the quality programs on offer throughout the municipality. 

Kindergarten open days are generally held in February and March each year.

Open days for 2025:

  • Thursday 27 February 2025, 5.30pm – 7.30pm
  • Saturday 1 March 2025, 9.30am – 11.30am

Bookings are not required. For any enquiries, please contact your local kindergartens directly.

For a list of kindergartens with their open days and times, visit the page below.

Kindergarten Open Days

Placement offers

How are applications processed?

Applications are processed according to the priority of access guidelines set by the Department of Education.

Beyond these priorities, offers are made according to the date of application and other locally agreed criteria such as how close you live to the kindergarten, or any connections you might have to the service.

When will I find out if my child gets a place?

The kindergarten placement offers are sent via email or mail starting from July and August in the year before your child is due to start kindergarten.

Offers will continue to be made after this time as new applications are processed, and other vacancies become available. We do try to offer your preferred kindergarten placement, however due to demand this is not always possible.

What if we don't get a place at the kindergarten we want?

You may choose to stay on a waiting list instead of accepting an alternative kindergarten placement. Places may become available later at your preferred kindergarten due to deferments, cancellations and changes of preferences made by other families.

How do I confirm a placement offer?

If you have received a placement offer you can respond in the following ways:

  • online using the kindergarten portal
  • email
  • return the printed form in person. 

What happens after I accept a placement offer?

You will be contacted by the kindergarten management about session times and fees.

Under the 'No Jab, No Play' legislation you will need to provide documentation regarding immunisation directly to the kindergarten to confirm your child’s enrolment.

We don't require this evidence for your kindergarten application.

Information about kindergarten in your language

If you speak a language other than English and need help understanding information about kindergarten, you can:

For further information contact the Kindergarten Team on 03 9217 2170 or email our Multicultural Outreach Team at