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Circular Economy Plan 2023

Due to disruptions in global recycling markets in 2018 which placed restrictions on how much waste we can export as a country, there has been a need to overhaul the way we manage our own waste. This includes the significant amount of waste coming from Australian businesses.

One way to tackle this widespread issue is through the adoption of the circular economy. The circular economy is an emerging way of doing business. It contrasts with the current linear economy, or the “take, make, waste” approach. It is a holistic system that makes the most out of materials already circulating in our economy, instead of relying heavily on the extraction of new/virgin materials from the natural environment. It values materials at every stage – including design, production, use, and disposal. It is done by recovering, reusing, recycling, or reducing materials at the end of their intended use. In doing so, it reduces the environmental impacts of creating products.

The City of Whittlesea developed a Circular Economy Plan that advocates for circular principles in line with the Strong Local Economy Strategy. It includes a set of actions to be implemented over the next three years which aim to support and encourage the solid understanding of businesses of circular economy concepts. It also encourages the development of products and services as businesses embrace greater circularity in their operations. It advocates for behaviour change among consumers to appreciate the widespread economic, environmental and social benefits of supporting circular products and services. Lastly, it advocates for the state and federal governments to incorporate circularity into consumer products. Ultimately, the Circular Economy Plan aims to position the City of Whittlesea as a renowned municipality for its commitment in facilitating a thriving circular economy within the business community.”